Friday, 26 November 2010

''and if you need to, you can swallow my light to illuminate your soul''

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

the eternal song of the divine

the entire cosmos
all that is within our perception
and all that is beyond our perception

you know in your heart that your logical and spiritual minds have the final word in any experience.

the opening of the trunk

Moment of inner freedom
when the mind is opened & the
infinite universe revealed
& the soul is left to wander
dazed & confused searching
here & there for teachers & friends
- Jim Morrison

paris II

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of is changing is oneself.”

- Aldous Huxley


my father and guru

great purpose

"when you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bounds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.”

- Patanjali 

all we do here.

test a bridge, sit on water. hold our hands towards the sun and question questions. and reality here seems a pointless outcome. and the marks of life are lines on a face to come. all we do here is document, and try to vomit the rest. all we do here is find reason to protest. to speak out of time for volumes, nothing less. here we can breathe, but the oxygen talks back. we have converstation but the exhale is quite lax. here, the wind builds up coat pockets and down your sleeve. down to your last quid but your smoking free. are you sure you can commit here? are you sure there routine?..for you?..can your days fill up your night? can the red shake hands with the blue? will you sit on pots of gold while a rainbow keeps your back straight? can you throw it to the wind, can you leave it all to fate? the problem i have is i don’t belive in destiny, at least i know it changes every day. while heads ticks over thoughts, my tongue struggles for a sentence made. and with what accent will i shake hands with, can i wash them all the same? just like my unmade plans. here i write lists but i don’t bother to check. here i lack pride, here i deplore respect. the air is so thick, it sits on my shoulder like a fire in the distance it smoulders. but the fire doesn’t burn. 
here you take up the addictions that lay dormant in your mind. you leave them to the street, they put pace in your stride. MY GOD!..but he can’t hear you. MY PRAY!!…but wishes do not exist. the chance leaves blisters on your fingers, leaves heavy space to progress. why cant i stand here for even minutes. i’ll take off my clock and won’t hear its ticks. dumb to the future, happy to reflect.
all we do here is try to get out really. there’s no bones to it, we’re bored. all we do here is ponder. all that we solve, needs more. all we do here is nothing. not even a friend nor foe, we don’t have to stop, we won’t wait to go. we can’t leave or look behind. the truth is black soul. all we do is breathe and wait for life to know.
bel cristea london 2010

berlin soundtrack

fire in my head

photography: ali mitton 


Thursday, 11 November 2010

"It was nothing but a preparation of the soul, a capacity, a secret art of thinking, feeling and breathing thoughts of unity at every moment of life."

- Hermann Hesse